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I’m actually starting a Blog… please join me!
January 3, 2013  —  19:52

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: This Blog | Comments: Off

I’m very excited to create my first post and start sharing information that I’ve gathered throughout the years. My goal is that you will have fun with this blog, get some nagging questions answered and bring some interesting news to you that you may not have been aware of. If you are curious as to who I am or more of why I started this blog, please read the ABOUT pages. I hope that you will also subscribe to get free periodic Updates and/or a monthly digest in the free Monthly Newsletter (and, I won’t sell or share your email address… I don’t like spam either).

In this blog I’m going share information on different healthy living topics that were of huge benefit to me and to those I love. I plan to address questions or concerns that many of us have regarding all kinds of topics or options for living a healthier life. If you want to investigate even further, I will point out alternate sources of information on topics such as tooth decay or what’s up with fluoride, how to soak nuts, grains or legumes and led in our dishes. And, I’ll provide the resource list that you can use for whole fresh real food that you may have had difficulty finding (such as for raw milk, whole grains, non-pasteurized nuts, beeswax, grass fed or finished beef, pasture raised chickens or soy-free eggs).

Parts of this site are still in construction, and I will continue to add details into the pages day by day. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have. I’d like to know what topics you would be interested in for me to present on this blog. There is a comment section at the bottom of this page. Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you all Health and Happiness,



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