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Winners of the Green PolkaDot Box Membership are…
February 2, 2013  —  16:43

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Giveaways Uncategorized | Comments: Off

Up, Up and Away! by ccharmon on flickr

It’s time to announce the winners of the Reward Membership at Green PolkaDot Box.

GPDB sells natural and organic, non-GMO foods at wholesale prices, and delivers them directly to your doorstep. Talk about convenience!

I have been really impressed with their Harvest Fresh deliveries of organic fruits and vegetables.

For those who didn’t win, they do offer a Club Membership that you can read more about here… and there will be more Giveaways on soon!

And the winners are: more…

Disclosure: Please know that if you make a purchase using a link on this post or site, I may earn a small commission. Some of the links are affiliate links, and when you click them you allow me to cover a small portion of the cost of this blog. I am very grateful for your support of this site - Thank You! You can read all the fine print here
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Inaugural Giveaway
January 12, 2013  —  22:51

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Giveaways This Blog Uncategorized | Comments: Off

Giveaway – $250 value!  Enter thru Jan. 31st

Up, Up and Away! by ccharmon on flickrIn celebration of the official release of my blog and what it’s all about… health, reasonable prices, and simplicity, I’m giving away two fabulous memberships to a The Green PolkaDot Box (GPDB). The GPDB sells natural and organic, non-GMO foods at wholesale prices, and delivers them directly to your doorstep. How convenient is that! more…

Disclosure: Please know that if you make a purchase using a link on this post or site, I may earn a small commission. Some of the links are affiliate links, and when you click them you allow me to cover a small portion of the cost of this blog. I am very grateful for your support of this site - Thank You! You can read all the fine print here
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