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Thoughts on Memorial Day
May 27, 2013  —  16:14

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Inspiration Uncategorized | Comments: Off

Memorial Day TributeThis has been a crazy couple of weeks and an emotional roller coaster of a weekend.  Just as our long weekend started, my daughter came down with a fever and body aches – she was miserable and mama was stressed.  Yesterday I felt the joy and excitement for my niece as she celebrated her college graduation.  All the more…

Guest Post: Gluten Free. Have You Been Thinking About It?
May 18, 2013  —  15:00

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Uncategorized | Comments: Off

gluten freeA couple days ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Rebecca Speert. After months of trying to connect – due to a mutual friend (thank you Jodi) who mentioned this website – we finally met up! Over a cup of tea, we talked for a couple hours about ourselves, our passion for health (which often comes from illness) and what drove the changes that we made to eating more nourishing foods.

One of the questions I often get when talking about food is more…

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Earth Day Giveaway Winner Announcement
May 14, 2013  —  21:42

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Giveaways Uncategorized | Comments: Off
Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean 15
May 1, 2013  —  19:33

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Shopping Uncategorized | Comments: Off

fruits and vegetables1As we know, the cost of buying organic vs. conventional fruits and vegetables tends to be more expensive.  And, to help save a bit of money there are some conventionally grown fruits and vegetables that aren’t cause for concern.  But, there are some that we should also steer away from.  The EWG recently released its 2013 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce.  It includes the Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean 15 – an easy reference to take to the grocery store as you buy those all important fruits and vegetables. more…

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The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle
April 30, 2013  —  22:14

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: Off

97 homemaking resources — eBooks, audio files, and eCourses — with a combined value of $640 plus an additional $140+ in other bonuses – ALL FOR ONLY $29.97 – ONLY UNTIL MAY 4th

recipe booksThere is so much information in this bundle of ebooks, audio and ecourses, that just starting this post was overwhelming. How am I going to explain it all? (just scroll below and you’ll see all the topics and titles… and be sure to check out the bonuses too).

Information at my fingertips… there is a huge ebook and ecourse bundle on sale right now. I bought a copy of it myself last night as I was putting this write-up together (to check it out and moreso because I’m excited about using myself).

I wanted to bring it to your attention too because I love going through books that are up to date, concise and that I can easily refer to. But, what makes this bundle even more exciting is all the bonuses we get with it.  So, in addition to the ebook, ecourse, audio bundle is that they teamed up with more…

Earth Day Giveaway
April 22, 2013  —  19:48

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Giveaways Uncategorized | Comments: Off

In celebration of Earth Day, I thought it only appropriate to bring attention to something beautiful and reusable – which reminded me of the tea tumbler that a dear friend let me borrow. You can read more about how I love using it at Kicking a Bad Habit

It’s So Much Fun To Win!

Now, for the Giveaway. I’m giving away more…

Challenge – Kicking a Bad Habit
April 21, 2013  —  17:54

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Inspiration Uncategorized | Comments: Off

carmel macchiatoI was in the coffee shop sipping on my Carmel Macchiato, sitting and enjoying the beautiful morning, and wondering -‘why so I do this’? What compels me to buy this drink? I know every one of the ingredients in this drink is not good for me. As I had stood in line earlier, getting ready to order, I had said to myself ‘today I’ll get a tea instead’. So, why do I open my mouth and say “one tall Carmel Macchiato, no foam, with whole milk please”. It’s as if I’ve been programmed. Is it an addiction or simply no will-power? Ugh. I just did it again. But, it tastes great! Do they put something in the drink to get me hooked? Is this just a glimpse of what an addict must go through? What’s worse, and bothers me most, is that I always feel more…

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Inspirational Quote As We Enjoy Springtime
April 11, 2013  —  17:29

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Inspiration Uncategorized | Comments: Off

Rumi Quote 2013-04There may be affiliate links in this post or site. I am grateful for your support. disclosure.

A beautiful quote from Rumi, a 13th-century poet, jurist, theologian, and Sufi mystic. His poetry is spiritual and profound and I am so fortunate to have been introduced to some of his works.  And, thank you to the Ford family for the gorgeous picture of a weeping cherry tree that they loving tend to. more…

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How to Buy and Why Soak Legumes or Pulses (Beans)
April 1, 2013  —  10:30

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Uncategorized | Comments: 1

But First, What Are Legumes or Pulses?

spilling the beans

To start, I had to look up the difference between a legume and a pulse… pulses are the edible seeds that grow on a legume.  Legumes are shrubs, herbs, and trees that produce pod-shaped fruit. The pods are what hold the pulses (such as peas).  For the rest of the post, I’ll just say ‘beans’, though most of what I refer to in this post applies to other pulses as well, such as chickpeas, mung beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, etc.

Purchasing and Using Beans

Beans are also a food that helps us more…

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Mediterranean Garbanzo and Black Bean Salad
March 31, 2013  —  22:33

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Recipes Uncategorized | Comments: Off

Mediterranean Chickpea and Black Bean SaladThis is super easy and refreshing salad that takes only minutes to make once you have the beans ready.  I prepare my beans ahead of time and store batches of them in the freezer.  I pull them out of the freezer when I’m ready to make this salad.

Serves: 4+ people as a side dish or salad.



2 diced Persian Cucumbers

1 diced Roma Tomato more…

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