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Oral Health Info to Refer to When You Need to Go to The Dentist
January 22, 2013  —  11:45

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Health Healthy Teeth and Gums Uncategorized | Comments: Off

Would you like more information on Oral Health?

There was so much helpful information that was presented at The HealThy Mouth World Summit.  There were 21 speakers from around the world all discussing oral health. It ended last night with the last of the Q & A sessions.

I unfortunately did not get to listen to all the presentations during the Summit week, and do plan to listen to the others at my leisure. The ones that I did listen to were informative and my daughter and I are going to do a little experiment with our dental care in the next few months.

Did you miss part of the Summit that you were hoping to listen to? Or did you hear about the Summit too late? You can still get all the presentations, videos, audios, transcripts, and Q/A sessions that took place over the entire week.

Listed below is just a portion of what was presented. If, after reviewing this list you find that you missed some of the materials, Ora Wellness is offering the Digital Package for less than the cost of one dental visit. In all, helping us create positive change in our oral health. You can get the complete list and details by selecting the “Upgrade Package” at HealThy Mouth World Summit or clicking on the banner below.

Do you have any comments on the Summit? (Comment Box is at the bottom of the page) I’d love to hear your feedback.

On mercury:
~ What options you have if you are pregnant or nursing and have mercury fillings
~ What products and foods help to detox mercury from the body

On diet to heal tooth decay:
~ The 2 main foods to eat to reduce our risk of decay by 40%
~ The two foods that increase our risk of tooth decay and ill health
~ The formula for how to raise cavity free kids

On oral hygiene:
~ What to put on a child’s teeth if they have baby tooth decay to substantially lower the risk of decay (ps, it’s not fluoride!)
~ Why flossing may be causing more harm than good and what to do about it
~ How brushing the teeth helps but is secondary to other more important ways to stop tooth decay!

On holistic oral health:
~ Whether oil pulling will help with oral health issues.
~ What 3 pieces must be in place to live a life free of tooth decay (food is only one!)
~ What minerals may be too high and be causing problems in your mouth
~ Why what’s going on in the mouth directly impacts whole body health

On existing dental procedures:
~ What are ALL your options if you have a root canal
~ What to do if you are told you need a root canal
~ What options exist if you have crowns with metal in them

On nontoxic, whole being dentistry:
~ New dental protocols that can help remineralize teeth
~ How to find a dentist that goes for the drill as a last resort!

On fluoride:
~ Steps you can take to reduce your exposure to fluoride
~ What you can do to lower the damage that fluoride does in the body
~ What to use in place of toothpaste!

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