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FREE Online Health Seminar
September 22, 2013  —  15:41

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Resources | Comments: Off

Green Living SummitI just found out about this seminar last night.  It’s FREE and it starts TOMORROW and will air for the next 10 days.  It was put together by fellow blogger, Nickie Knight, who overcame developmental delays, allergies and illnesses as a child.  She and her blog are dedicated to informing others about healthy surroundings (including food) and how it all impacts ones life.

I was super excited about it.  I signed up myself to listen and also to help promote it because I was really impressed by the panel of speakers.  more…

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Looking for Healthy Recipes, Money Saving Ideas?
September 17, 2013  —  6:00

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Recipes Resources | Comments: Off


When someone asks, “What’s for dinner?” do you have an answer? Is it “the same old?”

Are you new to real food and wish you had more healthy recipes…including snacks and money-saving ideas?  Speaking of ‘snacks’, whether you purchase or not, feel free to enter the drawing below for $75 value of some wonderful snacks from Healthy Surprise.

The Traditional Recipes Collection is here to help. more…

Disclosure: Please know that if you make a purchase using a link on this post or site, I may earn a small commission. Some of the links are affiliate links, and when you click them you allow me to cover a small portion of the cost of this blog. I am very grateful for your support of this site - Thank You! You can read all the fine print here
Pantry Paratus Radio – Interviewing ME!
March 7, 2013  —  11:20

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Resources This Blog Uncategorized | Comments: Off

PantryParatusRadioOkay, I was shaking in my boots, literally.  I get so nervous talking in crowds and all I could see in my mind as this was being recorded is that people were sitting listening to me. more…

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