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I’m excited to post information on this site that could be of benefit to its readers. If you would like to share a fabulous recipe, fun project, and especially resources (either nationwide or local to you), or anything else related to the specific blog topics I would like to hear from you.

If you have an interest on particular topic that you would like to know more about, please let me know.

Keep in mind that the focus will be on “real” food… wholesome, nutrient dense and traditional food, as well as safe products and services.

Note: I am a mom who loves to learn about health related subjects. I am not a dietary or medical professional and I do not profess to be one in any manner and not qualified to provide a professional opinion or advice. I cannot respond to requests for advice concerning medical conditions or recommended dosages for supplements or medication.

The best way to reach me is via Email: [email protected]

… and if you see any technical issues, please let me know.   Thank you.
