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Genetically Engineered Fish – TODAY We Can Take Action
March 22, 2013  —  13:25

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Uncategorized | Comments: Off

salmon by pepemczolz on flickr - modifiedI just received an email a few minutes ago that there is a Senate Vote going on this afternoon and your input is needed. Please take a few minutes to send an email or make a phone call to let the Senate know TODAY to that you want Genetically Engineered Fish that may be on our dinner plates to AT LEAST BE LABELED accordingly. Hopefully we’ll be able to stop GE Fish from being produced for our consumption to begin with, but in case it is approved, let’s at least have the option to know what is being packaged and sold to us so that we are able to make an informed decision on not feeding this to our families.

To take action TODAY to support the Amendment (#341) go to: Center for Food Safety

There will be a Senate vote on an amendment that was offered by Senator Mark Begich to require labeling of genetically engineered fish, such as salmon that may be sold at grocery stores in the not too distant future.
The bigger concern is that this “fish” may be produced and sold to begin with. In case you haven’t had a little background on this, I’ll update this post later today or tomorrow to provide further information on this subject, but I just got the urgent request myself for today’s action.

picture credit: Salmon by pepemczolz on flickr
source: Center For Food Safety

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