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Pantry Paratus Radio – Interviewing ME!
March 7, 2013  —  11:20

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Resources This Blog Uncategorized | Comments: Off

PantryParatusRadioOkay, I was shaking in my boots, literally.  I get so nervous talking in crowds and all I could see in my mind as this was being recorded is that people were sitting listening to me.

That was my experience a couple of weeks ago as Chaya from Pantry Paratus interviewed me for their Radio podcast.  For those that don’t know me personally, I’m not the most out-going personality and I still remember how extremely shy I was as a child (I’m a little better now).  Just the thought of my voice being put out there on the web was nerve racking and it was a challenge to focus on what I was saying.  But, overall, I think it turned out pretty well.  I got some of my thoughts across and it gives representation to a few of the topics I’ll be writing about and why I started this blog.  If you have a little time, please take a listen to my first Podcast.

What is Pantry Paratus?

Chaya is an energetic, sweet person who has become a natural at interviewing, so I was grateful to have entered this blogging world and this first interview with her.  Chaya and Wilson have a small family company in Montana, Pantry Paratus, that offers all types of products that one would like to keep Excaliber Dehydratorin their pantry: spices, grains, legumes, baking supplies, mill and grinders, canning equipment, cheese making supplies, dehydrators (on my wish list), water filters, etc.    But, the reason that they were one of the first resources I put on my Resource List is that they offer is quality. I didn’t know Chaya at that point, but as I have had the opportunity to do this podcast with her, what I love even more now about the owners of Pantry Paratus is that they sell what they use themselves to create healthy, wholesome foods.  They really do what they can to lead a healthy lifestyle, take eating very seriously, and offer ingredients that are from sources that they personally sought out and trust (non-GMO, not irradiated, and no chemical preservative sprays) and products that make our baking and preserving experience a little easier.

Pantry Paratus, aside from offering wholesome products, also has a blog with informative posts, videos and weekly Pantry Paratus Radio podcasts that are put out for us to get information about living a healthy lifestyle with all the goodies in our pantry.  You can take a look by going to

What’s Next?

Soon, I’ll be starting to tape some videos for recipes and DIY projects. So, as I tell my daughter “we do the best we can, we learn from our past experiences, and keep practicing to make our best even better next time”.  Hopefully, in a few months I’ll look like a pro on camera! Wondermill Grain Mill

Wishing you all health and happiness…

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photo credit: PantryParatus
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