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This Blog



What is LIVING HEALTHY ’N’ HAPPY?  It’s a blog that simplifies our efforts to make nourishing and fulfilling lifestyle choices. It presents current articles on topics that affect our health and lifestyle. It provides recipes: using whole foods, traditional preparation methods, some grain-free and some quick ‘n’ easy. It offers a list of resources for real, nutrient dense foods, safe products and reputable shopping and informational sites (whether online or on location). Lastly, it offers a section dedicated to GAPS; how it heals, resources for GAPS, things to keep in mind, additional recipes, information from our personal journey and what we learned along the way.

books (9)Why did I start LIVING HEALTHY ’N’ HAPPY and how does it help you?  I had made a conscious decision to live a healthier lifestyle, but the options and where to start this process was overwhelming. This was not just about food, but about all the products that surround us, the choices we make and how it affects us – our mind, body and soul. The hardest parts of the journey were the research and finding reputable sellers of real food and safe, useful products… companies and products that I could trust. As I was able create a better, more vibrant life and better health for my daughter as she had struggled with so many health issues (read more in Our GAPS Story) I wanted to share what I had found in the hopes that others would not feel discouraged, stressed or have to spend so much time and energy on it as I did. I started this site to help make a healthier lifestyle easier to accomplish or maintain; to live more naturally in an unnatural world, and to put it all together in one place. Basically this blog has my shopping sites, some with coupon codes, my synopsis of information that I gathered throughout the years, and my daughters healing with dietary changes, put neatly together for ease of use. I needed to streamline it all for myself, and as friends asked me questions about subjects or sources, I knew others could benefit from this as well.

I hope that you will subscribe to get free updates and share LIVING HEALTHY ’N’ HAPPY with your family and friends. I am excited to share the information that I have gleaned. I hope to make your quest for being informed on health topics faster, to make your shopping experience easier, and to add some more joy and simplicity in your life.

Wishing you Health ’n’ Happiness,


P.S. To get free updates and periodic newsletter go to Subscribe.   And, I won’t sell or trade your email…. I don’t like spam either!

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